Our Nursing Home
Comfortable Home

Household Concept
Encourage Independence
We strive to ensure that each of our seniors are able to stay as independent as they can. Our residents can wear their own home clothes and live life the way they want to each day. Their rooms will be equipped with their own nameplates and belongings, so as to maintain their individuality. The beds will also have chest-high dividers for further privacy and comfort. Residents will be able to further customize the feel of the room by decorating according to their own preference.
We aim to provide a comfortable, peaceful and private area for each resident so that they feel highly esteemed as an individual and well taken care of. We believe this will lead to higher level of satisfaction of the overall service experience and improve the overall well-being of our valued elderly.

What does our Care Model encompass?
Everyone is Unique and has their own specific needs, preferences and experiences that we need to understand before we can formulate effective Individualized Care Plans to care for them. We focus on the personhood of the seniors rather than just their illnesses.
Social Networks of Local Community are intertwined and they enable a person to recuperate and live gracefully in the community.
A Team-based (Multidisciplinary) Approach allows us to care for them holistically.
We adopt Original Innovative Technology to overcome barriers to care while enhancing workforce productivity and quality to empower our esteemed seniors with freedom of choice.
Our culture of Research and Continuous Quality Improvement drives us to constantly improve our Quality of Care for our seniors.